In 1972 a company in France by the name of Sommer producing Vinyl or PVC flooring. In their propaganda or promotion plan started to claim that Carpet is bad for it accumulated dust whereas Vinyl it doesn’t and is hygienic. With this 'belief' and the colorfulness of Vinyl it became a trend. It went so far that even Doctors started advising against carpeting with no proof to substantiate (to the extend if a mother would take her baby to a Doctor, the first question she would be asked is there carpet in the house if yes, that has to be removed immediately). The baby would be prescribed the medication according to the diagnostic and be cured, on the other hand the mother would return home and the first thing she would do is to have the carpet removed which had no relevance to the medical condition of her baby.
This claim can be substantiated by analyzing one thing at a time:
1. Doctors graduated from medical field and has no relevance or connection to dust related or indoor air quality. Therefore they are in no authority to advice for or against carpet.
2. It is proven that vinyl and pvc flooring contains p.u. and plastic which is toxic.
3. Alternative to vinyl is marble, granite, ceramic, parquet, laminate which is bad.
Dust is all around us. In closed environment the dust is constantly floating in the air, even if we are not able to see it. Being within the room, we are inhaling the dust by breathing this polluted air. This is what happens if the floor is not carpeted...
Take a room with no carpet, create movement for few hours and then close the room and turn the air condition off for few hours. Within this period the dust would settle down on the floor and as soon as you enter the room the movement disturb the dust which has settle on the ground get disturbed and gets airborne. We are back to square one, we keep inhaling dust.
Contra to bare floor, on carpeted floor the dust gets stuck into it and keeps the air free of dust, thus the air we breathe is pure. What people fail to do, which is very important, is to vacuum thoroughly your carpet three times a week. By doing so you are removing the dust which has accumulated in the carpet. Having the floor not carpeted, all the dust otherwise captured within a carpet and afterwards vacuumed from it, would have found its place in our lungs.
Carpet has the same importance as the cloths you ware and the bed you sleep in.
Sky is the limit for list of health problems arising from dust.